Google+ New Dad
I think it is appropriate to start this advertising blog with my thoughts, opinion's and one-liners about the current state of the advertising world with the Google+ New Dad ad. This was the first ad that came to mind when thinking about what recent advertisement had reached me. I remember seeing this ad and being a little too concerned that this guy would not get his phone back with all his baby pictures on it. And then when the he realizes that he didn't lose any of those pictures thanks to Google keeping copies of his pictures for him, I actually felt happy for him and wanted to cheer.
This ad is great because it tells a good a relatable story. Everyone has lost a phone that has had some important number or photos on it, and it sucks. You just assume that those memories are gone. Now that our lives are stored in the computers in our pockets, knowing that losing your phone doesn't mean that our past memories are gone is a great relief. It is still pretty annoying to lose a phone though.
I also think it is interesting that the ad has very little video. It is mostly just still photos that tell the story and the narrator. Although this doesn't follow the exact proven method of having a model hold the product in advertising. I guess a good alternative when a model isn't appropriate is to use a cute baby.
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